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Advanced Computer Help

Warning: These help topics are for advanced computer users only. If you choose to read them, be sure to determine which options are applicable to you.

Some of these topics are "lessons learned" from many years as a "computer nerd".  I've solved a lot of problems by trial and error and a lot of googeling.  It is my hope this info will save you time when you hit the same problems.

Create Your Own Website: Some ISP's like Verizon provide online software to create your (free) website.  Other's require you to create your own website offline, then FTP it to them.

Be aware that you only get around 10 MB of free space, so you can't store many pics on it (unless you resize them and decrease their size.  You may want to share photos using flickr, and share videos with youtube, then insert links to them in your website. You get more free storeage, and can save them with higher quality.   Page "Video Tutorials" has tutorials showing how to upload videos to YouTube.

Don't change your website name:   When you create a personal website, try to never change the site name. If you do, all the folks you're sharing the website with will need to change their links.

Change the way your name is displayed when you send emails from gmail:   (The displayed sender name defaults to the name on your gmail account).

Click "settings", "accounts and import"
Under "send mail as:", click "edit info" (on the right)
Fill in the name you want displayed in the blank box.
Click "save changes".

Using multiple browsers: I recommend you install several browsers, (I.E., Firefox, Chrome) then set your default browser to the one you use most often. (You can open any browser, then use it's settings to make it the default.) Some web pages display better with particular browsers. See page in this website: Click here to open page "Getting To Know Your Browser".
Four easy ways to find web pages again: See the browser tutorial for your favorite browser on the above webpage.
1. Put page addresses on the "favorites bar" or "bookmarks toolbar".
2. Put shortcuts to pages on the desktop or into a folder.
3. For all browsers, drag the symbol on the right end of the URL to the desktop

4. Put shortcuts to your favorite webpages on your own browser home page.  See page "Create your own browser home page".

Password Protect A Windows 10 Folder

This article shows how to create a new password-protected Windows 10 folder. This is the text version of a video of the same name on my youtube channel. That video refers you to this article to copy the batch code given below. Video "Password Perotect A Windows 10 Folder" is in section "Computer Help", playlist "How Do I?", in my YouTube channel:

This method does not protect an existing folder. The new protected folder is hidden, and becomes visible on your computer only after you enter a password. This method uses a batch command file (extension .bat), which contains the commands to create, lock and unlock a password protected folder. This method does notprovide HIGH security against an "advanced" computer expert, but it willprevent your files from being viewed by an "ordinary" computer user.

In the code below, highlight the lines from ":toms tech notes" through ":done", press control-c to copy them to the clipboard.

Right-click inside the folder where you want to put the new passworded folder, and create a new text document. The name doesn't matter, you'll delete this file after you create the batch file. Open the new text doc, press control-v to paste in the commands from the clipboard.

To save the text file as a batch (.bat) file, click the file menu, select "save as". Change "save as type" to "all files". Type a name e.g. "Open Data Folder", add the extension .bat, click save. Delete the text file.

To customize the batch file, right-click it and select "edit". I have minimized the comments in the file to make it harder for an unauthorized person to analyze the code and show or unlock the locked folder, but you might want to delete the 2nd and 3rd comment lines at the top (after you read them). Also, the location of the password in the code is NOT near the top for the same reason.

Line 3: set foldername=datafiles
"datafiles" is the default name of the password protected folder that will be created. Change it if you wish, but use an unattractive name in case you forget to lock it (don't call it SECRETFILES), and don't put spaces in the new name.

Line 4: set hiddenfoldername=System_data_files10. "system_data_files10" is the default name for the hidden version of the password protected folder. The batch file renames the folder and sets the attributes to "hidden" and "system" to hide it from view. If you change the name, choose a name that looks like a system file to make it harder for a stranger to find in your computer.

Change the default password: Search the command file for the SECOND occurence of "folderpw". The current password is just to the right. Change it to a "strong" password you can remember. (Write it down somewhere, but don't stick it on the wall by your computer with a label like "Secret Password"!!!!) If you forget the password, you can find it with the same search you used to change itt.

Batch Code For Password Protecting Folders.This code should be copied into a .txt file then saved as a .bat file. Customize the .bat file as described above. The video also shows how to customize the .bat file.

:: Toms Tech Notes
:: This batch file creates a password-protected folder,
:: and hides or unhides it on your computer, using a password.
set foldername=datafiles
set hiddenfoldername=system_data_files10
title Create Password-Protected Folder
set /a retrycount=3
set tvar=0
if EXIST %hiddenfoldername% goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST %foldername% goto CREATEFOLDER
echo Folder %foldername% is unlocked -- do you want to lock it(Y/N)
set/p "ans=>"
if %ans%==Y goto LOCK
if %ans%==y goto LOCK
if %ans%==n goto DONE
if %ans%==N goto DONE
echo Invalid answer -- you must enter "Y" or "N"
ren %foldername% %hiddenfoldername%
attrib +h +s %hiddenfoldername%
goto DONE
if %retrycount% == 0 goto FAIL
echo Folder %foldername% is locked -- enter pw to unlock it (%retrycount% tries remaining)
set/p " folderpw=>"
set/a retrycount = retrycount - 1
if %folderpw%==mypassword goto UNLOCKIT
echo Invalid password -- (%retrycount% tries remaining)
goto UNLOCK1
attrib -h -s %hiddenfoldername%
ren %hiddenfoldername% %foldername%
goto DONE
echo password protected folder "%foldername%" not found -- do you want to create it?(Y/N)
set/p "ans=>"
if %ans%==y goto CREATIT
if %ans%==Y goto CREATIT
if %ans%==n goto DONE
if %ans%==N goto DONE
echo Invalid answer -- you must enter "Y" or "N"
goto CREATE1
md %foldername%

After you have created the .bat file, its operation is self-explanatory, but you can watch the video starting at the 7 min, 34 secs point for a demo that creates and uses the password-protected folder.

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