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How To Copy, Move & Delete Items

7 How To Copy, Move & Delete Items  (Script)

This tutorial shows how to copy, move or delete items stored on your computer.

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There are two ways to move an item by dragging: drag with the left mouse button. Press the button over the item, move the cursor, release the button. You can also drag an item with the right button, and then select move here.

To copy an item, right-click and drag it to another location, select copy here. Note: copying a shortcut to an item doesn't copy the item, just the shortcut. To copy the item the shortcut points to, right-click the shortcut, select "open file location", or "open folder location", then copy the selected item that appears in the window.

To delete an item, click to select it, press the delete key; or right-click it, select delete.

To copy, move or delete several items, Start by selecting the items.

You can left-click the first item, then hold the control key down while you left-click additional items.
You can click the first item, then shift-click another item to select a group of items.
Press and hold the left button on any empty spot, then drag a rectangle around or overlapping one or more items to select them.

After selecting a group of items, You can move them by dragging, copy them by dragging with the right button and selecting copy here, or delete them with the delete key.

If you delete an item by mistake, you can restore it from the recycle bin, if you haven't emptied the bin since you deleted the item. Open the recycle bin, select one or more items, then either right-click them and select restore, or click "restore at the top of the recycle bin window.

There are other ways to copy, move or delete items using the cut(control-x), copy(control-c), and paste (control-v) commands, but they're easier to use with text and are described in the tutorials on text editing.

To empty the recycle bin (to save space), right-click it, and select "empty recycle bin".

This is the end of the tutorial -- thanks for watching.


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